I’ve been blogging on and off for the last 12 years. When I first started out it was purely personal and was a “writing exercise”. Over time I started writing more and more about industry and the business. Eventually I thought it was appropriate to setup an actual blog for the company. Nowadays an ever growing number of our staff contribute on both the main blog, our technical one and a couple of other sites we run.
So why start another blog?
One of the things that we’ve committed to internally in the company is to improve how we do things. And that needs to come from the top down.
While I’m sure some people might be fascinated by the inner workings of our company (no, I don’t really believe that!) I doubt most of the readers of our company blog really care.
I’ve got several other sites where I share my thoughts on various things or simply report industry news.
But I thought a personal blog from me as CEO / Managing Director of Blacknight (as well as some of the other stuff I’m involved in) might work.
Of course it might not and maybe nobody will read it.
That’s okay too.
When I first started blogging I did so for myself more than for an “audience”. Writing things down can help me to “work through” a collection of random thoughts. It helps me to organise my thoughts and often helps me to remember things.
Anyway here we go ..
If you do read my random thoughts – great and if you want to interact with me I’d love to read your comments and I will do my best to reply as well.
You want to be careful. I was in the same position some years ago when I posted “just to see what would happen” and look at the mess it got me into?
If I remember correctly, you told me at the time that if I started that no one would be safe? Talk about prescience!
Well you got a book deal out of it, so you didn’t come out too badly 🙂
The book deal? Meh! Never made the best seller lists!
Having started one of these sites, have you any hints on how to stop? WordPress doesn’t seem to have a handbrake… ?
Stopping is easy. You just stop writing 🙂