The key difference between many companies isn’t the product or the service they’re selling. Many products and services are essentially commodities. It doesn’t really matter where you buy them, as their functionality won’t change much.
What does make a difference in many cases is the people. The customer service. The sales person who you genuinely liked.
Humans. People.
They’re what makes one company subjectively better or worse than another one.
If you have a good experience with the staff in a particular company you might buy from them again. But if you’ve had a bad experience not only are you less likely to give them repeat business but you’re more likely to tell other people how bad the experience was.
For us as a company we are aware of our weaknesses. We aren’t perfect.
But what we always strive for is to deliver good service. From the first interaction you have with us it should be a good and positive experience. That’s why we use TrustPilot to collect reviews – we can’t manipulate them or buy fake positive reviews. We wouldn’t want to anyway.
We’re currently hiring for a couple of positions on our frontlines. There’s one role in our sales team and another in our technical support team.
What’s kind of perks and things do you get working for us?
You can read more about careers with Blacknight over on Blacknight.Careers. (Yeah, we like to “eat our own dog food”. We sell domains so we also use them!)
At the moment we’re all working remotely, though we’re just completing a major overhaul of our Carlow HQ and hope to be able to start returning to it before September. We’ve also got a small office in Dublin and several of our staff have always worked remotely, either all of the time or some of the time.
If you have questions let us know!
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